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Infant Schedule Example
*Please note, this is an example and can be modified and individualized for your child and situation. This is meant as a starting point.
8:30am-9am - Morning
Wash hands
​Young children's work is to explore and learn through play.
Provide two-three activities for children to explore in this time.
Try to choose activities that focus on different Domains of Development in order to foster well rounded learning experiences. See the "Activities" tab for activity ideas across domains.
Activities for Infants from
9am-9:30am Morning Snack
Wash Hands before snack

After Morning Snack: Checking/Changing Diapers/ Wash Hands
"How to Support Your Baby’s Developmental Growth During Routine Diaper Changes!" (
10am-11am - Outside time
Outside play when possible.
Putting on jackets, shoes, etc.
When outside play is not possible provide opportunities for children to use their large "gross" motor skills (i.e.- jumping, dancing, yoga)
Outdoor Activities for Infants from
11am-12pm - Morning Exploration & Play
Young children's work is to explore and learn through play.
Provide 3-4 activities for children to explore in this time
think about adding something to extend exploration of earlier activity(ies)
Try to choose activities that focus on different Domains of Development in order to foster well rounded learning experiences. See the "Activities" tab for activity ideas across domains.
Activities for Infants from
12:pm-1pm Lunch Time
Wash hands first
Disscussion provoked by meal
"Mealtime Conversations: Vocalizing and Listening"(Center for Early Literacy Learning )
1pm-3pm - Nap Time

After Nap: Checking/Changing Diapers/ Wash Hands
"How to Support Your Baby’s Developmental Growth During Routine Diaper Changes!" (
3pm-3:30pm Afternoon Snack
Wash Hands before snack
3:30-4:15pm - Outside time
Outside play when possible.
Putting on jackets, shoes, etc.
When outside play is not possible provide opportunities for children to use their large "gross" motor skills (i.e.- jumping, dancing, yoga)
Outdoor Activities for Infants from
4:15-5pm- Afternoon Exploration & Play
Young children's work is to explore and learn through play.
Set up 2-3 activities for children to explore in this time. ​​
Try to choose activities that focus on different Domains of Development in order to foster well rounded learning experiences. See the "Activities" tab for activity ideas across domains.
Activities for Infants from
A special thanks to infant schedule advisors:
Mireya Castillo, Infant Lead Teacher
Jason Roy, Infant Teacher
Karina Arroyo, Infant Teacher
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